Friday 14 February 2014


Ever looked at someone and thought damn! your skin needs help. Regardless of the said person wearing 50 kg of foundation her skin still screams 'HELP!!!' I've been there and its not a fun experience. I was definitely missing out on something until the light bulb went on. Alas!!! (sounds like I'm writing a composition) I discovered what the issue was.Truth is I was not detoxifying. Beauty starts from the inside and it shows on the outside.  I remember whilst growing up my mother would always detox our colon with the all so dreaded castor oil... Yack!! Despite spending the whole day in and out of the wash room it served its purpose.

I didn't understand why it was vital for us to detox but now I do. If you are reading this and thinking what the is detoxification? Its the simple act of  removing toxins from the digestive system of a living organism(which in this case is you and I). Lest you are probably thinking why is this important again??? If you want to achieve healthy glowing skin then you MUST detox... True story.Detoxification has several benefits which I'm a tid bit lazy to mention but I'll leave a link where you can read more from our new found friend... Google!! wooh!!

What I'll run you through though is how you can make your own detoxifying smoothies at home. If your skin looks dull and rough despite you investing in all the right products, you need to take this with the seriousness it deserves(that's a threat just in case it passed you by. lol!!) Buckle up and I hope this works for you...


  • One celery stalk
  • Handful of organic spinach
  • One apple
  • One banana
  • 1/4 glass distilled water
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beetroot.
  • 1 pear
Blend the celery, organic spinach, carrots and beetroot together. Chop the apples and put them in the already blended mixture. After everything has been well blended, add the banana and keep blending. Place the smoothie in a glass and drink daily for perfect results. It can be consumed any time.


  • One lemon
  • One lime
  • Distilled Water
Wash the lemon and lime. Dice them in medium sized rings. Drop them in a  500ml jug and let rest in fridge overnight. Or you can place the lemon lime rings in warm water in the morning. (whatever rocks your boat) Then take this cleanse every morning before consuming anything. Do this daily and your skin will glow like mine...(psyche!) Hahaha but it works..


  • 3 carrots
  • 3 Kale leaves
  • 1 Celery stalks
  • 2 beetroot's
  • 1 turnip
  • 1/2 bunch spinach
  • 1/2 cabbage
  • 1/2 bunch parsley
  • 1/2 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
Blend everything together. And this is equally great for those who are interested in shedding a few pounds. You can drink it for the entire day without any meals since it contains all the essential vitamins. But it should not be taken on a daily basis. Maybe once or twice per week.

Finally if you are a sweet tooth like myself you can drink fresh cranberry juice. Don't forget to dilute one part of the juice with four parts water. Then again if all this is to much for you in terms of time and money just drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. It will do the trick. 

Thanks for passing by and I hope it helps. If you try it and it works for you let me know... Stay beautiful

Sunday 12 January 2014



For all I care Kenya is a country and Kenyan is a nationality. Is it my fault that I have a tribe to associate with? Is it my fault that my tribe sets me apart from the rest? Is it my fault that I get pierced off when someone decides to baptise me with a tribe I know nothing of and want no associations to?
Well I guess in my honest opinion it's not my fault and neither is it yours.

Tell you what; love it or hate it. I was born in a particular tribe and that does not make an ambassador of tribalism. It only makes me proud to know that I have roots and a deep rich culture that sets me apart with ease. I don't care if there's a certain stereotype doing rounds concerning my tribe. Which tribe doesn't go through stereotyping?  Does it mean those things define us? Maybe they do maybe they don't! But at the end of the day who cares? You were born there. Maybe not by choice but neither was it by accident.

I dread the day when we will wake up as a nation and realize we no longer have diverse tribes and rich cultures. When our native lingua will be replaced by Western languages and we will no longer name our children  tribal names; because those names will act as a sell out or they are just plain shady for our liking.

If you're language is Kenyan how come you take offence when someone trash talks your tribe? Let's all cut back on the pretence shall we? When I walk past someone's door and there's a tag written 'don't ask me my tribe... My tribe is Kenyan' and yet everything from their conversations to their music is held in their native language it makes me wonder. What's the point?

Thus I am hoisting my tribal flag so high and I refuse to be part of that political bandwagon that has led us to believe that our tribes are the root cause of all evil in our country Kenya. I believe our tribes make us Kenyans and their uniqueness give us a sense of belonging. Thus if you feel the need to abandon your tribe in pretence of you been 'Kenyan the tribe' and not the nationality  feel free to go and kick rocks!!!

Tuesday 3 December 2013


Trust the noun is not a condom... Fact. The reality is trust the noun is a major leverage in determining whether a condom will  be part of bedroom entertainment. If I trust you we might as well ditch the condom and wear trust (the noun) instead. It's funny how talking about this sends chills down my spine maybe because I have been a victim ; maybe not once, nor twice... so I'm certainly not one to cast the first stone.

The other day I engaged in healthy discourse with one of my many male friends and he told me he can easily tell if one is on the negative or positive boat just by looking. Hmm... how damn I thought. Then it hit me. Isn't that the criteria we all use when picking out a clean partner when we want to engage in trustful sex? I mean, all we do is ask.. 'Are you clean?' 'Did you test? If the answer is yes to both questions then we are all guns and ready to fire.. When it's all said and done the post mortem sets in. It comes bearing guilt, anxiety and worry. As a means of shelving our distress we result to using self made eye testing services to analyse if the person was clean or not. Then we slowly paddle towards the island of false consolation gauging by their body shape, size and physique.

The sad reality is  you can't know if someone is clean or not just by looking at them. Then again when someone tells you they tested, that have not fully answered the question. We jump into conclusions and automatically assume they are clean. Which is not always the case. At least seek clarity before hand then make you're decision based on that. Equally bare in mind someone could easily lie...

 Truth be told there's some level of bull crap I cant stand.Every time I hear someone say they are allergic to condoms I roll my eyes and think REALLY?? Sex is sex. Without or without the condom. The feeling is constant and the action is the same. Only difference is with proper condom usage you are 99% assured of a risk free sex life. All you have to do is buy the correct condom size and you are good to go. Regardless of price. It doesn't mean the expensive the better. LATEX IS LATEX. period. So stop selling the condom allergy crap cause we ain't buying it!!

I spotted a billboard in Uganda and it read 'Have you taken the love test' Then I thought what test?  It went ahead to state 'Test for HIV and put your love to the test' How many of us test regularly? Whether we are in a committed relationship or not. Whether we indulge in reckless sex or not. Whether we are some one's side dish or not.. Whether we are in a long distance relationship or not. Whether we trust each other or not. Most importantly whether we know each others HIV status or not.

So the next time you are about to engage in unprotected sex with someone ask the billboard question... 'Have we put our love/lust to the test?' Regardless of whether you and your partner have been together before Christ. For my married friends you are equally not exempted from this. If anything HIV /AIDS infections are highest among married couples. Always test as often as you can and those of you who enjoy playing away games kindly use a condom.

When you think of indulging in 'trusted' unprotected sex put up a sticker note, a phone reminder, or anything that will remind you that trust the noun was never, is never and will never be a condom.

Monday 4 November 2013

Black opal creme stick foundation

Truth be told; I always turn green with envy when I spot someone with super smooth silky skin... If you were ever in my shoes you'd understand. I have been (and still am) struggling with acne and acne marks for the longest time ever. Believe me when I say I have tried EVERYTHING!! At some point I remember spending money that I didn't have in the first place, for products that were damn expensive but they did absolutely nothing for me!!! Talk of making money from desperation. Then, I resolved to using herbal products.... Lol. Those things tasted nasty and the smell was awful. Did they work? NAH!!! I thus hatched out a plan (like many ladies out there) to find good make up that will create a false impression about my skin then deal with the crucifixion talk later.(You're fake. I prefer a girl whose completely natural..yada yada yaaah..! eyes rolling) Anywho!! If you have that kind of mentality this is not for you!!! (smile)

 I came across this AWESOME foundation that I highly recommend for anyone suffering from acne scarring, or just plain acne. Its been in the market for the longest time and its manufactures have paid close attention to fending for beautiful African skin. Drums roll.... Black Opal.... (happy dance). Hahaha... This is a must have. Trust me. It gives full coverage and gives you a glow that so many will die for. It goes on so well and if I must say so myself it guarantees value for your money.

Currently I'm using the creme stick foundation and my shade is Nutmeg. (The shades vary so just know you're shade and you'll be good to go) The only thing I'd warn you against is the purchase of a fake product. The original ones range from Kshs. 1600 -1700. The knock offs are definitely cheaper and most of them range from Kshs. 500-700...  In this case cheap is definitely expensive... The fake product offers zero to none coverage, its comedic and it leaves you with a cakey mask like appearance. So not cool! 

The one on the left is definitely FAKE.... The one the right hand side is legitimate product. I promise to dedicate an entire post on how to tell a knock off from the real deal.

A major CON with this product is it's ability to transfer. So if you are the hugging type you're in trouble. Another problem is the fact that it sweats off easy. So if you are the matte look kind of a girl then steer clear of it. I'd not recommend its usage in humid areas or during summer time because you'll look shinny and oily. 

The use a  good setting powder is essential just to ensure it stays put the entire time you wear it. Just a quick recap of its pros and cons in case you've forgotten... (smile)

  • It offers full coverage
  • It goes on easy. You can use your hands to spread it in. No brush required.
  • Makes skin glow (especially if your anti matte just like myself)
  • Gives 24 hour coverage 
  • Easy to find your shade since they have a wide range to choose from
  • Its comedic and hypoallergenic thus does not cause break outs. 
  • It works well for dry, sensitive and combination skin.
  • It has SPF 15 which is good for sun protection.
  • It transfers with ease
  • Makes skin oily and shinny.
  • It melts off easy when used in humid climates
  • You must using a good setting powder.

Then again it's important to note that I aint saying this is the GO TO foundation. All I'm saying is it works for me and I'd highly recommend it for anyone with problematic skin.You know what they say... To know if a woman is in love she has an inner glow. Well I guess I'm in love... (at least for now) with my new discovery. BLACK OPAL TRUE COLOR creme stick foundation. Hope this review helps and if you like it feel free to go out and get it. If you tried it and it worked against you let me know...

Kindly share your beauty product secrets with me so that I know what exactly I'm getting myself in before its too late.  Shukurani sana for reading.