Friday, 14 February 2014


Ever looked at someone and thought damn! your skin needs help. Regardless of the said person wearing 50 kg of foundation her skin still screams 'HELP!!!' I've been there and its not a fun experience. I was definitely missing out on something until the light bulb went on. Alas!!! (sounds like I'm writing a composition) I discovered what the issue was.Truth is I was not detoxifying. Beauty starts from the inside and it shows on the outside.  I remember whilst growing up my mother would always detox our colon with the all so dreaded castor oil... Yack!! Despite spending the whole day in and out of the wash room it served its purpose.

I didn't understand why it was vital for us to detox but now I do. If you are reading this and thinking what the is detoxification? Its the simple act of  removing toxins from the digestive system of a living organism(which in this case is you and I). Lest you are probably thinking why is this important again??? If you want to achieve healthy glowing skin then you MUST detox... True story.Detoxification has several benefits which I'm a tid bit lazy to mention but I'll leave a link where you can read more from our new found friend... Google!! wooh!!

What I'll run you through though is how you can make your own detoxifying smoothies at home. If your skin looks dull and rough despite you investing in all the right products, you need to take this with the seriousness it deserves(that's a threat just in case it passed you by. lol!!) Buckle up and I hope this works for you...


  • One celery stalk
  • Handful of organic spinach
  • One apple
  • One banana
  • 1/4 glass distilled water
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beetroot.
  • 1 pear
Blend the celery, organic spinach, carrots and beetroot together. Chop the apples and put them in the already blended mixture. After everything has been well blended, add the banana and keep blending. Place the smoothie in a glass and drink daily for perfect results. It can be consumed any time.


  • One lemon
  • One lime
  • Distilled Water
Wash the lemon and lime. Dice them in medium sized rings. Drop them in a  500ml jug and let rest in fridge overnight. Or you can place the lemon lime rings in warm water in the morning. (whatever rocks your boat) Then take this cleanse every morning before consuming anything. Do this daily and your skin will glow like mine...(psyche!) Hahaha but it works..


  • 3 carrots
  • 3 Kale leaves
  • 1 Celery stalks
  • 2 beetroot's
  • 1 turnip
  • 1/2 bunch spinach
  • 1/2 cabbage
  • 1/2 bunch parsley
  • 1/2 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
Blend everything together. And this is equally great for those who are interested in shedding a few pounds. You can drink it for the entire day without any meals since it contains all the essential vitamins. But it should not be taken on a daily basis. Maybe once or twice per week.

Finally if you are a sweet tooth like myself you can drink fresh cranberry juice. Don't forget to dilute one part of the juice with four parts water. Then again if all this is to much for you in terms of time and money just drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. It will do the trick. 

Thanks for passing by and I hope it helps. If you try it and it works for you let me know... Stay beautiful

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